
Interaction: Mouse & Keyboard


The mouse and the keyboard provide easy ways to interact with audiovisual content. Gibber applies its mapping abstractions to the Mouse object making it simple to map the current mouse position to audio, geometry, and shader properties. For example:

// audio, press mouse button to hear drums
a = Drums('xoxo')
a.pitch = Mouse.X
a.amp = Mouse.Button

// geometry
b = Cube()
b.scale = Mouse.Y

// shader
c = Dots()
c.scale = Mouse.X

The first time you make a continuous mapping using the Mouse object, Gibber automatically turns mouse tracking on. This can also be manually accomplished using the Mouse.on() command, while will stop Gibber from tracking the mouse position.

The mouse position is a function of the browser window's width and height, and is always normalized to a range of {0,1}. When drawing directly to the Canvas object in 2D graphics mode, you'll need to explictly look up the mouse position, typically on the draw method of the Canvas object. The example below turns mouse tracking on and then uses the mouse position to draw a series of randomly colored squares. Note you have to multiply the mouse position by the width and height of the canvas to position the squares correctly.


a = Canvas()

a.draw = function() {
  var squareSize = 200
      xCoord = (Mouse.x * a.width) - squareSize / 2,
      yCoord = (Mouse.y * a.height) - squareSize / 2

  a.fade( .1 )
  a.square( xCoord, yCoord, squareSize ).fill( a.randomColor() )

The Mouse object also has prevX and prevY properties that report the mouse position in the previous frame of video. You can use this to calculate velocities or draw mouse trails.

Other mouse properties include:

  • shiftX / shiftY - the current x/y positions of the mouse if the shift key was down
  • prevShiftX / prevShiftY - the previous x/y positions of the mouse when the shift key was down
  • button -1 when the mouse button is down, 0 when it is not.

Finally, you can add a onvaluechange method to the mouse object that will be called whenever the mouse moves or the button is pressed / released.

a = Synth({ useADSR:true })

var prevValue = 0
Mouse.onvaluechange = function() {
  if( this.button !== prevValue ) {
    if( this.button ) {
      a.note( 440, .5 )
      a.note( 440, 0 )
  prevValue = 1

Keyboard shortcuts

Gibber wraps the excellent Mousetrap library to handle key events. This makes it easy to bind functions to user-defined keystroke combinations.

a = Synth()

Keys.bind( 'ctrl+shift+l', function() {

// bind to multiple keys in a row
Keys.bind( 'z z z', function() {
  var editor = Layout.getFocusedColumn().editor

  editor.setValue( editor.getValue() + 'row row row your boat' )

For more information on what is possible, see the Mousetrap documentation.